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How Much Money Can You Make on Facebook?

How much can you really earn on Facebook per view?

Wondering about your earning potential on Facebook? Discover the answer and valuable insights on how ads, audience engagement, and content quality can affect your earnings per view. With billions of daily active users and a powerful ad platform, the opportunities are endless. Learn how to maximize your earnings through effective strategies and tips. Explore the full potential of monetizing your presence on Facebook and see just how much you can earn on every view. Start earning today with these proven techniques for How Much Can You Earn on Facebook Per View?

Understanding How Facebook Makes Money

Facebook has programs to help you make money, mainly through ads shown in videos. When you allow ads on your videos, Facebook adds short commercials. Advertisers pay Facebook based on how many people see or click on the ads, and you get a share of that money.

Key Things to Know About Facebook Money

  • Cost per Mille (CPM): This is what advertisers pay for every 1,000 views their ad gets on your video. Higher CPM means more money for each view.

  • Revenue per Mille (RPM): This shows how much money you make for every 1,000 views your video gets. It's calculated by dividing your total ad revenue by the number of views your video got, then multiplying by 1,000.

  • In-Stream Ads: These are short ads that pop up in your videos at natural breaks. They make money when people click on them or just see them.

How Much You Can Expect to Earn per View on Facebook?

Unfortunately, there's no one answer. Your earnings per view on Facebook depend on:

Factors That Affect Facebook Earnings per View

  1. The Type of Content: Fun or informative videos usually get more money from ads. Videos that aren't as good don't do as well.

  2. Who's Watching: Advertisers like to show their ads to specific groups of people. If lots of people in places where companies spend a lot on ads watch your videos, you might make more money.

  3. How Long Your Videos Are: Your videos should be long enough to have ads but not so long that people stop watching before the ads come on.

  4. How Many People Engage with Your Videos: If lots of people like, comment, or share your videos, advertisers see them as valuable, and you might make more money.

  5. How Many Similar Videos There Are: If there are lots of other videos like yours, advertisers might not pay as much for ads on your videos.

A Realistic Range for Facebook Earnings per View

People think Facebook videos could make between $1 and $7 for every 1,000 views. That could mean you make between $0.001 and $0.007 for each view, but it's just an estimate.

Can You Earn More Than $0.007 per View on Facebook?

Yes, you can! Here's how:

  • Growing a Big Audience: Advertisers might pay more to reach a bigger, engaged audience.

  • Using Facebook Reels: These let you make money from ads just like regular videos, but you might make more from them.

  • Working with Brands: Making deals with companies to promote their stuff in your videos might earn you more money than ads.

What You Need to Make Money on Facebook

To make money from Facebook, you need to:

  • Follow Facebook's Rules: Don't post anything mean, violent, or that doesn't belong to you.

  • Have at Least 10,000 Followers: You need lots of followers so advertisers want to show ads to them.

  • Get 50,000 Views on Your Videos in the Last 180 Days: This shows you make videos people like watching.

  • Live in a Place That Facebook Supports for Making Money: Not everyone can make money from Facebook videos.

Tips to Make More Money from Facebook Videos

Here are some things to try:

  1. Make Good Videos: Make videos that are interesting, fun, or nice to look at so people want to watch them.

  2. Keep Posting Videos: Share new videos often so people come back to watch more of your stuff.

  3. Use Good Titles and Descriptions: Use words that make it easy for people to find your videos when they search on Facebook.

  4. Tell People About Your Videos: Share your videos on other social media sites and places where people who'd like your videos hang out.


Earning money from Facebook videos depends on a lot of things, like how good your videos are and who watches them. If you follow the tips in this guide and use the ways Facebook lets you make money, you could earn a lot from your videos.

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